Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thinking things through

Since I am relatively new to this whole thing, blogging I mean, I have yet to think things through. My original thoughts had been to post a postcard image and then write something about it like I did on my second post. I am not sure how well that would work out, since there are cards I have no idea what to say about. Right now I seem to be leaning towards posting the image and then writing about whatever comes to mind, after all, isn't that what a blog is about? Well, I guess I don't think that is really what a blog is about, but that is what I am going to do anyways. Another thing I am debating is as to whether I should include a picture of the cards I send as well. A "this card was sent for that card" kind of thing. Obviously I can't do it for cards already sent, but it's a thought. Well, that's enough words, images are up next.

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