Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's the first post!

Greetings to those of you reading this. The name is Juan and this is my first attempt at maintaining a blog. Yes, I know that I am a little behind everyone else on this, but better late than never. This has always been the case. I am only just recently using facebook and have yet to see the allure in twitter. This blog is less about informing and more about just saying what is on my mind. You are probably wondering about the title of the blog. one word: Postcards.

A few months ago, I was going through a travel trailer we use for storage. While looking for something, I came across a book of postcards someone gave my brother from Washington D.C. The cards were beautiful and it got me wondering as to whether or not anyone still sent them in this age of texting, e-mails, and tweeting. A quick Google search said yes. I discovered Postcrossing. This site had an interesting idea. The idea was to submit your name and address, which could be made available to others. After signing up you would request a random person's address from around the globe. The premise is basically sending and receiving postcards from strangers around the world. They even allow you to display the cards you have received. That is what I aim to do here. There is an option to do a swap which is trading cards "out of the system". I have done many swaps that have traveled thousands of miles, to places I hope to one day be able to visit.

Before I wrap up this first post, I just wanted to mention that I am a person who happens to enjoy anime and manga. Why do I tell you this? It is because a great quantity of the cards I have received are of these. Perhaps later on I shall try starting a different blog focusing on anime and manga, maybe even a podcast. For now I will take baby steps and see how this works out first.

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